Code of Conduct For Workshops and Studios
- Appropriate clothing and safety footwear worn in workshops at all times.
- No food/drink in teaching areas (except bottled water).
- Please avoid personal calls/messaging/social media use on phones whilst on machines/ with tools.
- Understand what to do/where to go in case of emergency.
- Only use equipment that you have been trained to use. If in doubt, ask a Shed Lead.
- All power tools to be (dust) extracted at source.
- Notify the Shed Lead of any medical conditions that could of affect safety standards.
- Portable powered equipment must comply with current safety standards and be PAT tested.
- Remove plugs from sockets when power tools are not in use.
- Only use substances for which COSHH records exist e.g. adhesives, finishes etc.
- Any flammable substances must be stored in the yellow flammable liquids cabinet.
- Use ear and eye protection when using power tools and wood machines. Earphones are not an acceptable substitute.
- Dust masks to be worn when appropriate.
- Report any incidents/accidents or damage to equipment to a member of staff immediately.
- Maintain a tidy work area at all times.
- Keep walkways and doorways clear at all times.
- Use correct bins for offcuts, wood waste, recycling and general waste.
- Help to maintain a tidy environment by returning equipment promptly after use.
- Avoid waste by taking only what you need for each job and returning any unused screws, biscuits etc.